Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Flows of Globalisation

10th July, 2012 - Week 1

  I would say that globalization descripts the transformation of, or the changing (from good to better, and the best) in the way that human being living style, what perspectives, attitude and contributions, and interaction between people and the world.

  Globalisation involves 5 crucial components that are all intertwined: physical flow, cultural flow, informational flow, media flow, and capital flow. In which, each component is also interacted to ethnoscapes, global cultural flows, technoscapes, finanscapes, and ideoscapes (Appadurai, 1990). When we talk about globalization, informatisation, flexibilisation and deregulation also have to be part of the conditions, just like a package (Pieterse, 2004, pp.10).

  In terms of physical flow, or the technoscapes and finanscapes, globalization involves the reconfiguration of states, for instant, a race to the intelligent state (Connors, 1997, cited in Pieterse, 2004).

  “The accompanying growth of market forces has led government from local to national levels to attract foregin investment, and since they tend to follow similar strategies of fiscal concessions, infrastructure development, and ‘place marketing’, they have been characterized as ‘hostile brothers’” (Pieterse, 2004, pp.11).

  “Connectivity and ICT infrastructure as a strategic are inspires the idea that those cities, countries, or regions that have been able to position themselves most successfully in relation to globalization are those which have stressed the development of information and communication infrastructure” (Pieterse, 2004, pp.11).

  Besides, globalisatio is uneven, for example, the inequalities of wealth and power. Pieterse (2004) suggests that globalization does not refer to a global level playing field or an equal international relations.

Refernce: Nederveen Pieterse, J 2004, ‘Globalization: consensus and controversies’, Globalization and culture: global mélange, Rowan & Littlefield, Lanham, Md., pp. 7–21.


  1. Good post, quite heavy on the theory though. I notice you spelled 'globalization' in the American way a few times, which is proof perhaps of the concept.

    Is globalisation always good? Does it benefit everybody, or has been co-opted to an extend by those pushing a neo-liberal agenda, in order to maximise their profits and open overseas markets to capitalism?

  2. You have developed an understanding of what globalisation is through theories. What is your understanding of these theories and how do you think globalisation relates to the world today? It shows that you have explored Pieterse's journal thoroughly but next time try and explore more academic and non-academic references to get a wider range of perspectives

  3. Your post is very informative. You use lots of theories to describe and define what globalisation is. And you are also separate globalisation for few components to illustrate. But how do you think about globalisation? There are lots of what other people think, and how about you?
